Image To PDF

Image to PDF

Images are crucial components of our day-to-day life—we capture moments, records, and data through pictures. However, it’s not reliable to store data in image formats that are associated with records, data, or numbers. And because of this, many users prefer PDFs for the same.

So, if you’re one of those users who want to convert their image files into PDFs, you’re at the right place. Using the Esytools platform will not only convert your image files into PDFs but also save you time and improve your management.

File Size

The file must not exceed 40 megabytes in size. If you attempt to upload a file larger than 40 megabytes, it will not be converted.

How Does Image To PDF Help You?

Converting an image file into a PDF can help you a lot in your work—it can streamline your process and protect your data. Additionally, PDFs are easily accessible and reliable, and one can also amend or merge them together.

  • Seamless navigation and sharing across the platforms
  • Protect your data and prevent breaches
  • Combine multiple files in order to create a new copy
  • Compress file size while protecting the quality of data

Types of Supported Image Formats

Now, you must be wondering about the type of file which you want to convert. Don’t worry about it, or the platform intelligently recognises the file and converts it into the respective PDFs. Additionally, some of the most common image file formats that you can transform using our platform are given below:

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG

Benefits of converting images to PDFs using Esytools

Most of the other online platforms that convert images into PDFs are full of clutter. But it’s not the case with Esytools. Our minimal online website provides a seamless experience when it comes to using our service. There are some basic steps that you need to follow, and bingo! Your file will be ready for download on the local device.